He Will Love Spreading These Thighs! Makes A Fun Gift For The Guy That Has Everything!
Let’s Bring Laughter Back To Meal Time With the Juiciest Chicken Ever!
Not On OnlyFans Yet, But we've been here:

Only YOU Can Turn Him Into A Hero!
Look how happy and muscular I am.
YOUR man can be more like me with these simple exercises!
With only 3 beer Can Chickens A DAY will make him strong and good looking.
(Arms may look larger than in reality)
With 1000’s of happy customers and counting!
Let's Take A Look Inside Shall we?
Since the dawn of time, men have always loved to stick things into other things. It didnt always work out. BUT... since the invention of the BEER CAN, and the persistent of men, came one of the biggest cooking marvels of all time... BEER CAN CHICKEN! Lets Take a deep dive inside to see how it works!
Moisterest Chicken
Sit back and have a beer knowing that science has your back! We have done all the calculations for you letting you BBQ with confidence and you will have the moist thighs tonight!
Your Welcome. -
I spent a lot of time designing this so you can spend more time on the couch!
ITS DISHWASHER SAFE!Free Sunglass... For the Chicken!
I recruited the burliest hunk in town to tackle a stress test. But despite a Herculean effort that involved more sweat, tears, and drama than a soap opera marathon, he failed.
Built Tough, Stores Flat
Its So Easy, Even I Can Do It!
“I want you to walk into a room and have everyone burst out in laughter. If they don't laugh or roll their eyes, then I have failed you” As a machinist, I have always tinkered with different ideas. Whenever I showed my wife my ideas, she always said “what ridiculous idea do you have now?!?”. From there I birthed my ideas into reality focusing on fun and affordable products Dr. Tom (Not a real Doctor)
'Merica Biker Chick Beer Can Chicken Stand™
Your Chicken Has Never Been This Cool!
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does It Take To Cook?
It depends on the size of the chicken. It usually takes just over an hour.
How do I Make A Beer Can Chicken?
1- Start with a 6 pack, drink the first 5 and 3/4. (12oz or 355ml cans)
2- Season the bird, salt and peper is enough
3- Have a drink
4- Put the beer can (with about 1/4 full of liquid) into one of Toms RIDICKulous Stands!
5- Put the chicken onto the beer can
6- Have a drink
7- Put the chicken with the stand into the preheated bbq at 350F (175C)
8- Have a few beer, it will take about an hour
9- Take it out when its over 165F (75C) and rest for 10 minuites.
How Do I Clean It?
Our beer can chicken stands are made with food grade stainless steel, so its dishwasher safe! We recommend soaking it in warm water so you can scrape of the bigger chunks that your dishwasher can't.
Life Time Warranty! Made with top grade Stainless Steel make it last a life time and you can use it over and over and over....
I pride myself on fast handling and shipping.
It about 2-5 days to USA and Canada.
About 5-21 for the rest of the world